OK: Found an XML parser.
OK: Support for GZIP encoding.
OK: Support for character munging.
Warning: Cache couldn't make dir './cache'. in /home/4rouesmotrices/web/magpierss/rss_cache.inc on line 185 Warning: MagpieRSS [debug] Cache couldn't make dir './cache'. in /home/4rouesmotrices/web/magpierss/rss_fetch.inc on line 243 Notice: MagpieRSS [debug] Cache doesn't contain: http://feeds.feedburner.com/siteyogameditationdailycom-googlenewsUTF-8 (cache file: ./cache/a77c211a7d57c34aa7b5c417d81913b4) in /home/4rouesmotrices/web/magpierss/rss_cache.inc on line 185 Notice: MagpieRSS [debug] Cache doesn't contain: http://feeds.feedburner.com/siteyogameditationdailycom-googlenewsUTF-8 (cache file: ./cache/a77c211a7d57c34aa7b5c417d81913b4) in /home/4rouesmotrices/web/magpierss/rss_cache.inc on line 185 Warning: Cache unable to open file for writing: ./cache/a77c211a7d57c34aa7b5c417d81913b4 in /home/4rouesmotrices/web/magpierss/rss_cache.inc on line 185

Example Output

Channel: "site:yogameditationdaily.com" - Google News


Parsed Results (var_dump'ed)

object(MagpieRSS)#3 (22) {
  resource(8) of type (Unknown)
  array(0) {
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      string(53) "Yoga and Meditation Daily - Yoga and Meditation Daily"
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      string(100) "CBMiR0FVX3lxTE9Td0pDNVVuOGc3RWhuV0RpN2ttOE83RHVsZmxsT3JWOHRqZkNMSFFWOTk2TnZBczVUM0YzWDBaZk9JSnVENWc0"
      string(29) "Thu, 11 Mar 2021 17:42:04 GMT"
      string(264) "Yoga and Meditation Daily  Yoga and Meditation Daily"
      string(25) "Yoga and Meditation Daily"
      string(264) "Yoga and Meditation Daily  Yoga and Meditation Daily"
  array(9) {
    string(7) "NFE/5.0"
    string(44) ""site:yogameditationdaily.com" - Google News"
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    string(5) "en-US"
    string(25) "news-webmaster@google.com"
    string(374) "Copyright © 2024 Google. All rights reserved. This XML feed is made available solely for the purpose of rendering Google News results within a personal feed reader for personal, non-commercial use. Any other use of the feed is expressly prohibited. By accessing this feed or using these results in any manner whatsoever, you agree to be bound by the foregoing restrictions."
    string(29) "Wed, 16 Oct 2024 14:21:06 GMT"
    string(11) "Google News"
    string(11) "Google News"
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    string(11) "Google News"
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  string(31) "Wed, 16 Oct 2024 14:21:06 GMT